Portal contains information pertaining to conservation of microbial genetic resources with special reference to agriculturally important microorganisms deposited in the National Agriculturally Important Microbial Culture Collection (NAIMCC), ICAR-NBAIM, Kushmaur and is informative in various aspects of microbial preservation &conservation.Besides this, the portal gives detailed insight into conservation and management of AIMs at NAIMCC, various services offered by NAIMCC, dynamic database search engine, and accessibility to catalogue, microbial registration facility, easily downloadable forms for various purposes and linkages to important sites. Along with procurement of genetic material has been provided in the portal. Both ICAR and NBA have link provided to portal on their respective site.
SSR Database of Fusarium As member of database development team from ICAR-NBAIM: “SSR Database of Fusarium”
Fungal SSR Database Team: Project Leader: Dr. Anil Rai, Principal Scientist & Head, ICAR-IASRI, New Delhi Team Leader:Dr. D.P. Singh, Principal Scientist, ICAR-NBAIM, Mau Team: Alok K. Srivastava,Renu, Anurag Chaurasia, Udai BhanSingh, Lalan Sharma, Dipak T. Nagrale, Ratna Prabha, Vivek Keshari, Ravi Ranjan Hosted on National Agricultural Bioinformatics Grid website at ICAR-Indian Agricultural Statistical Research Institute, PUSA.
Micro Veda is a comprehensive web-based system for agriculturally important microorganisms providing informations on various aspect of microbes viz. fungi, bacteria, cyanobacteria, actinomycetes and archaea. The database has various sub-components which includes Microbial Database Search (MiDaS), Knowledge models, Geographical distribution and location-based search.
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